In the whimsical world of “Crumbling Castle,” dragons have overrun the kingdom, and with all of King Arthur’s knights unavailable, it’s up to a young boy named Ralph, a spare suit of armor, and his adventurous companions, Fortnight the Friday knight and Fossfiddle the wizard, to take on the fearsome fire-breathing invaders, unveiling a delightful and unexpected twist in the tale.
Dragons have invaded Crumbling Castle, and all of King Arthurs knights are either on holiday or visiting their grannies. Its a disaster! Luckily, theres a spare suit of armour and a very small boy called Ralph whos willing to fill it. Together with Fortnight the Friday knight and Fossfiddle the wizard, Ralph sets out to defeat the fearsome fire-breathers.But theres a teeny weeny surprise in store…. ( 4 CD Set )
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