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Simon Garfi eld Our Hidden Lives – The Everyday Diaries Of A Forgotton Britain

In 1936 anthropologist Tom Harrison, poet and journalist Charles Madge and documentary fi lmmaker Humphrey Jennings set up the Mass Observation Project. The idea was simple: ordinary people would record, in diary form, the events of their everyday lives. An estimated one million pages eventually found their way to the archive – and it soon became clear this was more than anyone could digest.


Sku: AB1040

In 1936 anthropologist Tom Harrison, poet and journalist Charles Madge and documentary fi lmmaker Humphrey Jennings set up the Mass Observation Project. The idea was simple: ordinary people would record, in diary form, the events of their everyday lives. An estimated one million pages eventually found their way to the archive – and it soon became clear this was more than anyone could digest.