Mel Torme The Early Years 1944-47

61 Tracks Including: A StrangerIn Town, Youve Laughed At MeFor The Last Time, Am I Blue(With Eugenie Baird), Day ByDay (With Bing Crosby), ProveIt By The Things You Do, St.Louis Blues, On The Acheson,Topeka And Santa F, TheresNo One But You (With SonnyBurke & His Orchestra), WillowRoad, Thats Where I CameIn (With Sonny Burke & HisOrchestra). Plus More.


Sku: GTDC2612

61 Tracks Including: A Stranger In Town, Youve Laughed At Me For The Last Time, Am I Blue (With Eugenie Baird), Day By Day (With Bing Crosby), Prove It By The Things You Do, St. Louis Blues, On The Acheson, Topeka And Santa F, Theres No One But You (With Sonny Burke & His Orchestra), Willow Road, Thats Where I Came In (With Sonny Burke & His Orchestra). Plus More.